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Your Alcohol & Drug Education Journey
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Hablamos español: 346-530-5415


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Intensive Outpatient Program

This program is available online and within a flexible schedule, allowing our clients to receive the treatment they need while maintaining their employment and other life obligations. Our clients are also introduced to various life skills, coping mechanisms, and support structures.

Working on Laptop

DWI 12-Hour Education Program

This program will provide individuals with information and resources about the risks associated with alcohol and drug use, specifically about impaired driving. The program typically consists of 12 hours of instruction over three days and is administered online or in person.

Working on a Laptop

DWI 32-Hour Intervention/Repeat Offender

This program is a comprehensive program designed to help individuals who have multiple DWI convictions. The program consists of 32 hours of group education and counseling sessions to address their decision-making and prevent future impaired driving incidents.

Support Group

Supportive Outpatient Program

This program is comprised of an assessment of program eligibility,  followed by 12 consecutive group sessions led by an LCDC (licensed chemical dependency counselor), both administered online. The program meets the criteria of Pre-Trial Intervention Agreements.

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Victim Impact Program

This program provides education and awareness to individuals who have been arrested for a DWI offense. These classes aim to help individuals understand the consequences of their actions and the impact that DWI's have on the: victims, families, and communities.

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SALCE or SASSI Full Alcohol/Drug Assessment

A SALCE or SASSI assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's alcohol and drug use history.
The initial survey is conducted by the client online. Once the assessment is complete, a licensed chemical dependency counselor will contact the client to conduct the interview over the phone. After the interview is complete, the counselor will write a report that summarizes the findings from the assessment. This report is sent directly to the requesting agency.

Shopping Online

A structured 30 day aftercare plan includes interventions and resources in a supportive environment of professionals assisting someone in recovery as they cope with triggers, maintaining balance and implementing what was learned following treatment.

(2) Required alumni meetings.

(2) Required 12 step meetings

Weekly scheduled telephone contact with assigned counselor.

Activities assigned weekly (completed online).

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Experiencing a DWI can be life-changing. The word "discovery" encompasses the many attributes clients discover about themselves during this time -- their limits, the laws, their ability to succeed, learn, and grow.


We pride ourselves in offering a holistic approach to the needs of our clients. Our services include counseling, rehabilitation, online and in-person classes with language options for English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Discovery provides focused, professional, and effective alcohol awareness courses for clients of League City, Friendswood, Alvin, Kemah and Nassau Bay.

Abstract Glass Building
"I was thinking it was going to be some other out-of-date government class. Instead, you taught this course with passion and care. I have learned a lot about my own sobriety thanks to your passion."

Daniel A.


Contact Us

For inquiries or support, please call 832-602-6065 or fill out the following form:

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Office Location

1100 East NASA Parkway, Suite 405

Houston, Texas 77058

Tel: 832-602-6065

Hablamos español: 346-530-5415

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